pondělí 31. ledna 2011

Duck of the Day #010 - Video #001

Here goes the jumping duck again!
To give you a better proof of her jumping (and food-begging) skills, we present you our very first video on this blog. Sit back and enjoy 46 seconds of a pure duck!

Author: Katerina S.
Location: Fraueninsel, Germany
Date: August 2010

The story behind:
"Just a jumping duckie..."


Got your very own epic picture or video of a duck you'd like to share?

neděle 30. ledna 2011

Duck of the Day #009 - Jaws.

Author: Katerina S.
Location: Herreninsel, Germany
Date: August 2010

The story behind:
"Angry duck. Seriously, when we came there, she noticed us and started running towards us with this angry expression and water splashing from her feathers. All I could hear in my head was the famous *TA-da-da-da-da-da* from Jaws..."


Got your very own epic picture or video of a duck you'd like to share?

sobota 29. ledna 2011

Duck of the Day #008

Author: Asinx
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Date: late July 2010

The story behind:
"Swedish duckie hanging out on his own on the river shore, probably preparing for cold water."


Got your very own epic picture or video of a duck you'd like to share?

pátek 28. ledna 2011

Duck of the Day #007 - James "Duck" Bond

Author: Asinx
Location: Sázava river, Czech republic
Date: 12.4. 2009, 15:09

The story behind:
"It is no ordinary duck. It's a rock/hill climbing duck. Therefore a little duckie James Bond. Top secret agent..."


Got your very own epic picture or video of a duck you'd like to share?

čtvrtek 27. ledna 2011

Duck of the Day #006

Author: Caoimhe L.
Location: Dublin, Ireland
Date: unknown

The story behind:
"Sleeping ducks on my college campus, where there are no lakes!"


Got your very own epic picture or video of a duck you'd like to share?

středa 26. ledna 2011

Duck of the Day #005 - HYPNODUCK

Do you remember the jumping duck? Well here is another picture of her!
Quite a fascinating model, isn't she?

Author: Katerina S.
Location: Fraueninsel, Germany
Date: August 2010

The story behind:
"Duck the hypnotist."


Got your very own epic picture or video of a duck you'd like to share?

neděle 23. ledna 2011

Duck of the Day #004

Author: Katerina S.
Location: Cieszyn, Poland
Date: Decembr 2009

The story behind:
"Ducks being cold on the Olza river"


Got your very own epic picture or video of a duck you'd like to share?

sobota 22. ledna 2011

Duck of the Day #003

Author: Asinx
Location: Turku, Finland
Date: October 2009

The story behind:
"This duck and his friends were just chilling on the river shore, staring at the people that were going around."


Got your very own epic picture or video of a duck you'd like to share?

pátek 21. ledna 2011

Duck of the Day #002

Author: Katerina S.
Location: Fraueninsel, Germany
Date: August 2010

The story behind:
"A duck so hungry (or rather tourist-trained) that it is willing to get to food in all possible ways. Jumping being the favorite one. :)"


Got your very own epic picture or video of a duck you'd like to share?

čtvrtek 20. ledna 2011

Duck of the Day #001

Author: Asinx Photography [http://asinx.euweb.cz]
Location: Sázava river, Czech Republic
Date: March 2010

The story behind:
"This duck was the bravest of the bunch, so she got very close to us. At first, she was only staring, but then she was geting closer and closer.. (insert Jaws music) and then she made this. Epic shot, I'd say."


Got your very own epic picture or video of a duck you'd like to share?

středa 19. ledna 2011

Ducks around the World - intro

Welcome to Ducks around the World!

The purpose of this blog is simple - to share pictures of ducks from the whole world.
It may sound like a completely lame idea (and I admit it somehow is), but why not have fun with this?

Each day there will be one or more featured ducks possibly with a story behind them - depends on if the contributor will share any! But it would be highly appreciated to state where the duck "is from" :)

So if you would like to keep this lame blog growing and share this pointless fun, feel free to post your duck pictures/videos to:


And in the message please state:
Where was the picture/video taken
When was the picture/video taken
Your (nick)name
And if there is any additional story behind the photo/video you'd like to share, feel free to post it!

-Ducker :)